My download speed decreases after just a minute or so on Democracy Now mp4 download, Why?, any way to keep my speed near my 200KB/sec.?
Everyday, I download a mp4 file from Democracy Now.. It starts out at near my 200KB/sec normal speed.. After about a minute, it's d own to 30 KB/sec.. If I pause, and restart, it goes back up for a while, and then back down..
Problem might not be firefox, but Democracy Now.. But, is there any solution, including maybe to auto pause, and restart my download ever two minutes.?
I test my speed with speakeasy, and it's above the 2MB I am paying for.. I download other stuff that downloads well.. Streaming video from Cspan does well.. It might be net neutrality, or Democracy Now servers.. It is not my server, or my computer.. I don't think.
On Democracy Now, it starts near 230 KB/sec, and soon goes down to near 34KB/sec.. If I pause for just a few seconds, it cycles again the same..
Tnx.. WmA..
All Replies (2)
It can also be your ISP that throttles the downloads automatically. Maybe you have downloaded a lot of files lately and you exceeded some download quota or they have other bandwidth problems. If the problem persists and is not caused by server load on the Democracy Now site then you can try to contact your ISP and ask them if they do that kind of throttling.
I don't think it's the server... First, it's a co-op, and acts more fair than most.. Second, most of my downloads work well.. Streaming video works well.. Cspan works well. Al Jeezera does not work well.. I could suspect the net is not neutral..
I would expect that Democracy Now is underfunded, and servers overloaded, but is that they way they would act, to start out fast, and then slow down in a minute, or two.?? WmA...