Cant print microsoft documents-error invalid character code 800A03F6
Printer is printing photos I have, however not any documents (Microsoft Works) -tried your fix by going into profile under pref.js to remove all that start with print_ but there are none it says Error: invalid character Code: 800A03F6 Source: Microsoft JScript Compilator error - Help!
All Replies (1)
You shouldn't double-click such .js files as that makes Windows treat them as JScript files and that fails because those a special JavaScript files that are interpreted by Firefox. Instead you should right-click the prefs.js file and select "Open with" to open the file in a plain text editor like Notepad.
You shouldn\'t double-click such .js files as that makes Windows treat them a JScript files and that fails because those a special JavaScript files that are interpreted by Firefox.\nInstead you should right-click the prefs.js file and select "Open with" to open the file in a plain text editor like Notepad.\n