Why can't I install "Cooliris"
I would like to install Cooliris (formerly PicLens) the website says it is suitable for FireFox but when I tried to download and install it I got told the my version of FireFox was not compatible.
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Website link?
I tried several sources eg C-Net, and Cool Iris www.cooliris.com or https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/user/the-cooliris-team/
I don't see any information related to Cooliris and Firefox compatibility at www.cooliris.com and the second link, https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/user/the-cooliris-team/ is a user page for the add-on developer(The Cooliris Team) and only mentions one add-on, CoolPreviews.
If you are downloading Cooliris from another site and it gives you an error that your Firefox version is not compatible, it's likely that you have downloaded an outdated add-on that was made for an older Firefox version.
In any case, your best bet would be to contact the add-on developer.