How can I sort my bookmarks by date if I accidentally sorted them by alphabet?
Hey everyone! So I have a TON of bookmarks (just shy of 2000) and I wanted to find an add-on to sort them by website. In doing this I downloaded the auto-sort add-on and it sorted my bookmarks alphabetically. I REALLY hate them sorted this way and want to revert to sorted by date added but it doesn't seem like I can do so. Help?
所有回复 (9)
Goto Bookmarks Menu > Show All Bookmarks and click Visit Date, at the Top Middle Right.
You try with Firefox Addons for more SORT
Hey man thanks for the help! I still haven't gotten it to work but your answer was awesome.
Sorting via the Views menu in the Library only shows the bookmarks in the chosen sort order and doesn't change them permanently (hence the Views name of that menu). Clicking on the header does the same. If you want to sort bookmarks then you need to right-click a folder and use "Sort By Name" to sort that folder.
See also SortPlaces:
Neither one of these worked for me. Visit date doesn't appear, and the add-on is merely for an alphabetical sort, which is what I want to get away from.
I tried this add on, set *everything* to sort by date added, and they're still sorted alphabetically. Too bad. I really had my hopes up.
You can make other columns visible in the Bookmarks Manager (Library) via the Views menu (second button) or by right-clicking the column header in the right pane.
Okay. If I've replied to this already, I'm sorry. I keep losing the reply I'm trying to post.
I can't find a View menu. (See "No view.png") and I can't see any other columns (see "No columns.png"). And if the possible earlier message(s) said I couldn't find a way to attach a picture, it was the truth; I only just found it. Blame it on the headache this is giving me. And thank you.
Views is the second menu item (Organize, Views, Import & Backup) in the Bookmarks Manager (Bookmarks > Show All Bookmarks).
Thanks, Cor-el.
Sometimes I can't see the forest for the trees, especially when I'm exhausted and my head hurts. It's times like those when people like you, who take the time to patiently answer naive questions, make all the difference in the world. It's obvious from the problems this caused me that I really need to figure out how folders work and get these things organized so I can find them properly, so you can expect a bunch more naive questions coming up.
Margret Minette