Honeycomb some time navigating in tabs does not work. if i select tab a from tab b, the header changes but not the page. It does if i move out of app and return
using samsung p6200. If i open multiple tabs (say more than 14) so say ifi am on 14 tab and back to 12th then it will switch properly but if i go back to first tab it wont show the webpage. some tabs will show and some wont. sometime the tab will show a type of progressive image of tab which wont get more clear. But tab switches if i move out of application and return. example i am not tab 14 say gizmodo.com and i return to tab 2 say wikipedia then it wont change the page. if i go to task manager and return back to firefox then it will show the page.
Alla svar (7)
see u are on a tablet, u cant expect it to me as smooth as a PC, i sugest u dont use a beta version of firefox on your tab, and 14 tabs srsly?
I agree that it cant be as smooth but this issue is replicable in much less tabs as well.. around 4. Also i dont see any reason not to open 14 tabs as when i run Ubuntu on sam tablet parallel to Android, i can open tabs in firefox in Ubuntu. I understand the architecture difference of green bot and ubuntu for which i hate android. i wanted to hilight that firefox is working fine but somewhere it is unable to fetch data from its cache, while when OS reloads the app from background to foreground, the cache is retrieved.
to tell the truth de best browser in androind is opera! firefox is buggy still so u will have to wait for a stable realese
i would say its chrome.. it does some sort on app level caching which is great.
i am talking in an android "opera" is the best!
Chrome is available for android only for Ice cream sandwich..
yea i noe, but u r using honey comb!