how can i retun the removed history ?
i removed all my history and i wanna to return it back again can you help me please ??
Wszystkie odpowiedzi (5)
Sorry, to say that Firefox saves it's history in .sqlite database and if you delete the history that file is removed from database and you can't get them back.
OMG .. btw Thnx alot :(
plz i wanna ask u another Question but in Facebook ... when i deleted the history .. my facebook account is signed out & to log in again i must enter a security code that i get in my mobile phone ,, i tried many times to get this code but i didn't recieve a message till now .. can u tell me what should i do ?! :(
i had the sme problem: I created a new account on facebook and I used the same phone number for verification, this resulted in the removal of a number from my old profile, then logged on the old profile and I was asked to enter a mobile number, I used the same number again, then there was the choice of verification, I used the verification by phone, after a while I received a call, with the code. :) Later I removed the new Facebook profile. and everything was as before.