Master password requested twice when opening Firefox
When I start Firefox I am asked for the masterpassword. Part way through typing it in the focus is stolen by a second request for the password. As a result the first one fails, and sometimes the second because the focus moves while typing. Sometimes this means I have to type the password four times as I do not notice that the focus has been stolen (so I start to type ABCDEFGHIJKLM and in the first box I get ABCDE and in the second FGHIJKLM. I am using sync. Furthermore if later I want to look at the passwords stored in the machine I am asked for the password again. In effect I end up typing the same password lots of times. But the real problem is that the focus should stay with the first request irrrespective of the cause?
Wszystkie odpowiedzi (2)
You can possibly drag the 'top' master password window slightly off to see if there are more windows below it and possibly close a new MP prompt to be able to continue with the first MP prompt.
In Lockwise every attempt to inspect or edit a password will require to enter the master password and this is not very convenient if you want to inspect or edit multiple passwords.
It is true that I could drag one password request off the other. However the second one appears after the first one and during the time when I am typing in the first password. It needs to be fixed so that only one request is made