When typing bostonproper.com, Firefox will show the error "Problem Loading Page/ The Connection has timed out." As an owner of a domain, how can I fix this?
On other computers, it will show the website is not secure. When we type www. in front, the website will come up with no issue. I am not affiliated with Boston Proper, this is used as an example.
Wszystkie odpowiedzi (1)
If I paste bostonproper.com to the address bar and press enter, the server redirects to https://www.bostonproper.com/store/
If I then edit out the www and delete off the store and submit https://bostonproper.com/ I get a certificate error with this explanation:
bostonproper.com uses an invalid security certificate.
The certificate is only valid for www.bostonproper.com
I'm not sure why you would get a different page...
Anyway, if I use the Add Exception button to view the certificate, this certificate is too specific: it doesn't cover the base domain. (Screen shot attached showing the Subject Alt Name field.)
If you aren't able to fully investigate your site in Firefox, you could try viewing the certificate in another browser.
This is unusual: certificates usually are issued to cover both the base domain and www subdomain. That's an important feature to check when you buy a certificate. If your web host's cPanel offers free Let's Encrypt certificates, make sure to check both boxes on the list when issuing the certificate.