Multitouch zoom in google maps on a windows 7 tablet leads to a zoom of the whole browser window including tools.
Using a tablet with windows 7 and multitouch screen and the actual firefox version. If i open google maps and want to zoom the map with the zoom gesture, firefox zooms the hole browser window including the tools instead of the map. If i open another empty tab and closing it before using the zooming gesture, everything will work. Would be helpful if someone could give me a hint how to overcome these problems without always opening a new empty tab.
All Replies (7)
Try to use the + (plus) symbol in the Google map its in left corner , instead of double tap..
Well sure you can use the tools, but for what you have multitouch support? Especially if you are walking around, it is pretty much easier to use the gestures to zoom and pan. By the way I made some new observes: If you open and close a new tab in firefox, afterwards everything works fine with the gestures. Maybe firefox then will work in another mode or the focus is different? Would be nice if someone could help me.
Unfortunately, after the last update of Firefox, the workaround with the new tab is not working anymore. Guess I have to switch to Chrome.
Update your firefox to latest version firefox 24 and give a try..
As you could read in my post, I gave the latest Version a try and it didn't solve the problem ... It still makes it worse, cause the workaround with opening and closing a new tab is not working anymore.
But Your system detail shows your using firefox version 21.0, now latest version is 24
Well, the touch problem was first observed with Firefox Version 21. The Versions 21 to 23 offers the workaround with opening and closing a new tab. Since Version 24 also the workaround didn't work anymore and the problem, that the multitouch gestures zooms the hole browser window is still present. Maybe this makes it clear for now. So would be helpful if anybody could give me a real hint how to overcome these problem.