font size and alignment of the page/gaps in few of the web site is too big and configuration is not applying to entire page/website
Hi Team, need your help pretty badly. font size and alignment of the page/gaps in few parts of the web site is too big and the configuration has not applied to entire page. It is not affecting entire website with whatever i make changes in configuration I am keep using firefox for many years now, please help me to fix this.
└─(15:31:13)──> firefox --version ──(Sat,Jul23)─┘ Mozilla Firefox 102.0.1
please refer the snapshot attached to this thread the menu font and mail content font is not matching, mail content is bigger than it expected(zoom out/in and changing font size has different effects for some parts of page)
Thank you for any help.
All Replies (4)
You can check for issues with (corrupted) fonts.
You can right-click and select "Inspect" to open the built-in Inspector with this element selected.
You can check in the Rules tab in the right panel in the Inspector what font-family is used for selected text. You can check in the Fonts tab in the right panel in the Inspector what font is actually used because Firefox might be using a different font than specified by the website.
sorry, I am not a web developer. I don't know much about how dig into problems. anyways, i see many diff font style used in diff parts of page and along with diff height and size..etc is also diff. my main concern is too much gap and font size is not unique. For me it is becoming had to scroll and overall awkward to see. as you mentioned, please let me know how i can fix this corrupted fonts? Thank you very much for helping us!!
Is this problem just with this website?
Gmail has recently redesigned their site, so you may be seeing the new page design.
I've seen such an issue reported as caused by using Ubuntu fonts. /questions/1374567 Double space is back in firefox for me firefox 99.0