Delete all results from a word search
I did a word search to isolate past emails I want to delete. I got the list I want but can't find how to delete them without going back to the full list and deleting one-by-one manually. Is there a way to do this?
All Replies (1)
re :I did a word search to isolate past emails I want to delete. I got the list
when using one of the search methods, it can be helpful to mention which one you used. Did you use the 'Global Search' or the Quick Filter Bar' search or the 'Find' > 'Search Messages' ? If you used 'Global Search', click on the 'Show results as list' to get a listed view.
If you want to delete a group of emails. First highlight the emails you wish to delete then use the right click option to delete or click on 'Delete' button.
Highlight the emails by one of the following methods: If you want to select all, then use 'Ctrl+A' keys to highlight all in list OR To select all contiguous listed emails - eg: a block of emails click on first email, hold down 'Shift' key and click on last email - this highlights all emails listed between the two emails you selected. OR To select various emails, but not all and not necessarilly contiguous Hold down 'Ctrl' key and click on email email you want to highlight
ALTERNATIVE method of selecting/highlighting emails: The column headers do have one called 'Select Messages'. Enable the 'Select Messages' option and this displays checkboxes for each item in list. If you want to select all:
- click on the top checkbox which is displaying as a column header.
OR To select all contiguous listed emails - eg: a block of emails
- click on first email checkbox, hold down 'Shift' key and click on last email checkbox
OR To select various emails, but not all and not necessarilly contiguous
- click on each checkbox to select that email
Now you have highlighted/selected the emails you want to delete:
- click on the 'Delete' button.
- right click on highlighted emails to see drop down menu and select 'Delete'.
An gyara