The type size of the e-mail message is too small
Changing the pix size using Config Editor in the Options > Advanced doesn't change the type size of the e-mail message itself so I can't read it without opening the message and enlarging the image size.
Three additional things, one is that it is version 68.7.0 32 bit and that it is on a new Windows 10 computer that I need to move to because this computer is dying.
Second, when I am typing and hit "Enter" it does a double line change, not a single line. How do I fix this?
The last issue is I need instructions to move all the e-mails and layout to the new computer.
All Replies (2)
I forgot to say two things but edited them into the original question and can't figure out how to delete this one.
Message fonts: Options/Display/Formatting/Fonts & Colors, Advanced..., set the Sizes and fonts with Font for: Latin and repeat with Fonts for: Other Writing Systems; uncheck 'Allow messages to use other fonts'.
Options/Composition/General, uncheck 'Use paragraph format'.