View Image sometimes open images on a white background instead of Dark Gray.
Once in a while I have this issue where some images open in a painful white background instead of the nice for the eyes dark gray... It's awful to deal with...
And then sometimes I enter the same image again after reloading the page (not always work) and the background for the same picture is back to the normal dark gray...
I have not a clue on what is causing the awful white backgrounds to happen randomly.
Follow 2 examples, the awful white one and the nice black one.
Toutes les réponses (3)
Hi, topic redected for inglês, wait answer of one of the volunteers in your region.
Oi, como lhe informei no PV, seu tópico já foi redirecionado de volta para o Brasil, mais uma vez peço desculpas pelo mal entendido. Aguarde enquanto buscamos uma solução para sua pergunta ;)
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