UPDATES 102.0 how frequent?
How often does 102.0 update? It appears to update every ten seconds by my estimation because every time I launch it updates before loading. I can close it and open it seconds later and it pauses to update again?
Is this some bug that it keeps updating no matter how many times a day I may open or close the program?
Should it just check and remain silent if there is no update?
I am going to turn off updates until I know why it does this. Never had this issue with prior versions.
All Replies (3)
Is you have avast, yes it is a bug. In avast. it is preventing the update actually occurring.
Otherwise there have been a fair number of ad-hock updates to V102. Generally the point number is updated each 4 weeks as a security and stability update. The second point numbers indicate an emergency release to mitigate some bug or other. The current release being 102.2.1
No Avast. Use MS security built into Win7
Upon EVERY restart of TB it says it's installing an update even if 10 second elapsed.
pck24, please ...
1. Do Settings > General > type "config" into the search 2. open Config Editor 3. Search for "app.update.log" and set it to "true". 4. Restart Thunderbird. 5. Do Help > About 6. Open Tools > Developer Tools > Error Console 7. Type AUS into the filter at the top 8. Please copy/paste everything starting with "AUS:"