In youtube doesn't remember position of previous page. Each time I go back it return to top of previous page. In Google works OK.
Can not be sure, but seems to me it started after I installed newest Firefox version.
All Replies (5)
Please also update to version 31.1.1, Update Firefox to the latest release Does this still happen?
Updated Firefox, but nothing changed. YouTube is still jumping to top of page when navigating back.
What is your computer system?
Start Firefox in Safe Mode {web link} While you are in safe mode;
Type about:preferences#advanced<Enter> in the address bar.
Under Advanced, Select General. Look for and turn off Use Hardware Acceleration. Then check ALL of your settings; Browser and add-ons.
Poke around safe web sites. Are there any problems?. Then restart.
Turned off - Use Hardware Acceleration in Firefox Safe Mode but nothing changed. Computers' system: processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 860 @ 2.80Ghz RAM: 4.00 GB system type: 64-bit Operating System I don't think it is problem of system and even internet browser. This problem I have only in YouTube. Google search works fine, tried also remembers position of previous page. Additionally I noticed in You tube when click on video it shortly jumps to top of video list page and only after to video it selves.
Many YouTube pages I have been to seem to constantly change (or add to) the content of the page, so when you "go back" Firefox see's a page with new content - IOW a "new page". I get around that by opening what I want to see in a new Tab and when I am done viewing the content in the new Tab I close that Tab. The page I was originally viewing is in the position where I left it.