Also after update of Adobe Flashplayer of 4 Jul 2012 unchanged, no TV pictures only sound, no YouTube,more
Below is what I had written on 28 June 2012, but I had not sent to you because I thougt you had already found the problem. Now today on Wednesday 4 July 2012, I had been offered the usual online update for the Adobe Flash Player. I have accepted the update, because I thought it would correct the problem. But to my surprise all the problems are now exactly the same as before. I have restarted my computer several times afterwards, but no effect. I think the update has the version name 11.3 .
How can Adobe send such an very defective update to all users of the flashplayer? Those whose flashplayer was not defective before, is now defective. People who have installed an older version of the flashplayer and had thought now the new version would be correct. Adobe Flashplayer is offered to this day 4 July 2012, though there are know serious bugs in it. A Conspiracy against Mozilla Firefox?
Something similar with my browser SeaMonkey, which has happened at exactly the same time of the update of Adobe Flashplayer about 3 weeks ago: Before I could see oil price charts as flash with my browser SeaMonkey: Now instead of the chart, there is an empty place. What I have written on 28 June 2012 and which is the same also now with the new update of the Adobe Flashplayer of 4 July 2012: I am using Windows Vista and an Acer Computer. There are bugs(mistakes, defects) in my Mozilla Firefox Explorer since about 2 weeks ago. In contrast my Internet Explorer 8 does function completely OK. After I had downloaded Firefox 13.0, about a month ago, Firefox had functioned completely OK. Then came an update of the Flash Player, and because of it there were bugs on my computer. Then I had used system restore and the computer and Firefox were completely OK again. Again some days later, I think because of another update of the Flashplayer had been forced on my computer, Firefox from then on up to this day does have the following bugs: I am using now Mozilla Firefox 13.0.1 . Before I had used Firefox 13.0 . Because of the bugs, before I had changed to Firefox 12.0 .
Some minutes ago, I have also tested Mozilla Firefox 14.0b9.exe .
All the above versions of Firefox, now do have the same bugs (mistakes, defects). BUG 1: When I do want to see videos on Firefox shows the picture of a TV screen, in the middle of the TV sreen is an arrow. When I do click on the arrow, each time, it says “An error occurred. Please try again later.” I have tried it out for days, but it is always the same. So it is NOT possible to see and hear videos of YouTube. BUG 2: When I do want to see Internet TV as or, after some time only the sound of the video does come, but there are no video pictures. Where the pictures should be, it is just empty in white color. BUG 3: When I do use in Chinese: , the TV plays OK ( it does use an add-on with an own player), but the videos of TV do not function ( there is only the picture of the black screen, but no video does come, because for videos the station does use the Adobe Flashplayer).
Alle svar (1)
Hi Volker 2,
Sorry you are having problems.
There are known issues with Firefox 13 on Widows above XP. I make the assumption that you arehavving problems because of that. Developers from Flash & Firefox have been working on this for quite a few days now.
At one time documentation and suggsted workaounds were changing almost daily, although Firefox staff seem to have now fallen silent. I am keeping my fingers crossed that his is because they are busy testing a permanent solution that will be released and documented very soon.
Current advice is to use Adobe's uninstaller to uninstall FlashPlayer 11.3 and to then reinstall Flash 11.2 or 10.3. instructions are in the article flash11.3 crashes
Try that and post back with how you get on.
Good luck John
Further info about current Flash 11.3 related issue see
- this article is long & will scroll, but at least it should have the very latest available information