It appears that FF3.6.10 is having problems with Silverlight on NetFlix. Can anyone confirm that they are unable to play movies?
Intel Mac OSX 10.5.8 FF 3.6.10 Silverlight (lastest)
All Replies (4)
I am unable to stream movies from Netflix to my computer running XP, Firefox 3.6.10, and Silverlight 3.0 or 4.0.
We receive a DRM Error N8156-6003.
Netflix simply suggests removing Silverlight V 4, and downloading and installing Silverlight V3.0. Same error message.
The only other Netflix suggestion was to call Microsoft. Netflix apparently doesn't consider it a problem to only offer a their customers a single viewer that may not be compatible with browsers other than IE.
I was able to resolve this error on my Mac by deleting this file: /Library/Application Support/Microsoft/PlayReady/mspr.hds
On the PC you should be able to find the same file here: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\PlayReady
I'm having problems streaming movies from Netflix so I called them. They told me if I was dissatisfied, I could cancel my service with them. I guess this is their new customer service policy.
When I had Firefox 3.6 I did not have any problems with Netflix instant streaming. But, my son updated Firefox to 8.0 and I have a problem with the Netflix instant streaming recognizing the use of the space bar to pause a movie. Even though the space bar is working, it doesn't seem to want to work to pause Netflix movies. Also, the enter key on the number pad no longer works to pause the movie. Is there a way to fix this? I called Netflix and the Apple tech. Both say that it seems to be an issue with the Firefox browser.