I want to use tools to discover why a bookmarlet does not work
I have a *.doc with screen snaps I would like to send to you
This system Windows 7 32 bit home premium
Jaava applets Version 7 update 55 (build 1.7.0_55-b14)
Gmap to Gpx does not work
This all works with windows xp older version of firefox etc etc
This system Windows 7 32 bit home premium
Java applets
Version 7 update 55 (build 1.7.0_55-b14)
GmaptoGPX bookmarlet contents
from the web site http://www.elsewhere.org/journal/gmaptogpx/
seems to be source
GMapToGPX 6.4k Originally based in part on the "Improved MSN and Google GPS GPX Waypoint Extraction" bookmarklet described at http://badsegue.org/archives/2005/04/21/
Josh Larios <[email protected]> August 3, 2005 - February 12, 2014
My google home page using firefox 29.0.1
The way it should works
Click on bike routes https://maps.google.com/
get directions etc see sample screen below
Clicking the gmaptogpx bookmarklet fails.
What should happen is that a gpx generate script should be created which I can the pass on gps visualizer So that I can down load a route onto my garmin
I know zip about java scripts. I am trying to use the firefox tools “web console” to try and solve the problem and notify the developer.
All Replies (3)
The forum allows attaching screen shots to a reply as image files, but not as a Word document.
Did you find particular error message in the web console (ctrl+shift+k) or browser console (ctrl+shift+j) after invoking the bookmarklet? You should be able to select/copy those.
First, I edited github to githubusercontent in the script address. This is based on a redirect from GitHub.
Second, switch from the "new" maps to the "classic" maps.
Okay, now I get a red bordered white box that says Loading. Nothing loads.
In the Browser Console I see this error message:
"Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at https://www.google.com/maps/preview?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=mandarin+oriental+hotel,+bangkok&daddr=Siam+Paragon+Shopping+Center+Bangkok+Thailand&hl=en&geocode=FVlp0QAdwbn9BSHlyolmM86yCymzoKfJxJjiMDHlyolmM86yCw%3BFb_C0QAdcAr-BSGjFUU22RBMJikHkVjkzZ7iMDGjFUU22RBMJg&sll=37.269174,-119.306607&sspn=3.89877,17.62207&vpsrc=0&dirflg=r&ttype=now&noexp=0&noal=0&sort=def&mra=ltm&ie=UTF8&t=m&z=13&start=0. This can be fixed by moving the resource to the same domain or enabling CORS."
Working around this will require embedding the script in a different way.
See also:
- bug 866522 - Bookmarklets affected by CSP
Please do not comment in bug reports
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