sending attachments
I am using Thunderbird v.91.2.0 and I am having trouble sending attachments. This new version of TB will only send 1 small att. If I try to send 2 small atts. I get a message to check my access to the file. I never had this problem until this new version of TB arrived. What gives? Please help. RMHC.
Todas as respostas (2)
at what point is the request to check rights given? (is the path to the file given with the name?)
Matt, Sorry to bother you but today everything seems to be OK. I just sent myself 2 messages, 1 with 2 atts. and the other with 4 att. with 15Mb of content. They both were sent and delivered to my inbox, the big one of course took longer. I don't understand what happened yesterday. Maybe the gremlins only work on Sunday!!! Thanks for the help, if it happens again I will call you. RMHC.