V75: Increase number of Top sites on address bar
v75 auto-installed, and my set of 10 topsites on the address bar dropdown has been reduced to 5.
My browser.urlbar.maxRichResults value was already set to 10. I increased it to 15 but nothing changed.
Any ideas? Thanks a lot.
Alle antwoorden (2)
I'm new to the source code so I could be completely wrong, but from what I can see you should be seeing 8 sites in the v75 address bar (I know I do) assuming you have 8 top sites - it seems to share this information with the top sites listed in a "New Tab"
If I am looking at the correct file, and again I admit I am new to the code and could be completely wrong, it is hard-coded to try and grab the top 8 sites. It doesn't seem to refer to any configuration settings so a new config option would need to be added, assuming the UI scales with larger lists of sites.
File: UrlbarProviderTopSites.jsm
// We want the top 8 sites. sites = sites.slice(0, 8);
If this is correct then and enhancement/bug would need to be raised.
Thanks. I haven't fiddled with that file so I assume mine is whatever the default is.
My top sites page is set to 2 rows and shows 12 site icons. Would be nice if they were directly reflected in the urlbar. In the meantime I'm still only getting 5.