Where is the drop down menu that was next to the back/forward buttons that let you see the previous pages and go back to the one you want.
There is no drop down button/arrow that lets you see and select previous pages that you have visited, without have to keep hitt the back button to go back to a certain page.
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I am not certain exactly what you are looking for.
There is a History button available but it may not display by default. Right click a blank area of toolbar and use the customise menu, drag the econ to where you would like it.
- or use Firefox button -> Options -> Toolbar Layout
Press keyboard Alt and you will get the old menubar displayed temporarily, even with the firefox button displayed; that includes the History menu.
Also note the arrows themselves may be right clicked and will display the back &/or forward history of the current tab.
Click-hold the unified Back / Forward button, or right-click it to get the Back / Forward history for that tab.
Or install this extension to get the old "drop-marker" button restored.