Saved passwords not migrated to Firefox for Android v79
Hello, today my Firefox for Android was updated from v68 to v79. Unfortunately the saved passwords were not migrated, due to a set master password.
How do I get my passwords back? The option to unset the master password is not available in v79
And no, I do not have synced the passwords with Firefox Sync
Regards, Frank
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I had master password set also, but passwords are here after update, to see them I have to use fingerprint or PIN. One more thing, there is no autofill option to turn off, so FF will automatically autofill logins without asking for fingerprint or PIN, which could be security issue?
I'm also asked for fingerprint or PIN, but unfortunately the password list is empty. Fresh saved passwords appearing in the list.
Why worry yourself with PASSWORDS? Just... bE bRaVe AnD FoRgEt ThEm WiTh FiReFoX ToTaLlY nOt A sCaM SYNC(tm, patent pending).
Who needs decentralized password storage when you can trust glorious company with all your data. You don't have anything to hide, do you? ;)
Also in exchange for your password you now have a stylish search bar in the bottom. 100% Design 0% Functionality. Steve Jobs would be proud of glorious mothercompany!