Firefox crashes wants to send report to microsoft
I've experienced several problems recently, following a Kaspersky Anti-virus update to version . Apparently after the my dial-up internet connection drops, Firefox freezes, and freezes everything else. Before the connection drops everything runs fine for several hours.
If I get control back - i.e. if the browser finally closes - it wants to send a report to Microsoft - even though I wasn't running I.E. I guess its a Windows thing.
I haven't been prompted by FF to send a crash report in all this time, but crash it has. Per a FF help, I checked about:crashes and nothing is listed since January, before all this bizarre stuff started happening.
I sent the report to Microsoft since they asked. This is what was in it.
C:\DOCUME~1\Amy\LOCALS~1\Temp\WER2151.dir00\firefox.exe.mdmp C:\DOCUME~1\Amy\LOCALS~1\Temp\WER2151.dir00\appcompat.txt
szAppName: firefox.exe szAppVer: 44025884 szModName: hungapp szModVer: offset:00000000
If I don't get control back from the hanging FF, and choose to force a restart, I notice error messages before shut down.
The latest were -.net-broadcast
followed by A.case no.3 ....
I have no idea what these mean.
I also had an event 2 days ago with a hot link in an email booting IE while FF was running. That had never happened before.
target of hotlink: https://weather.com/weather/today/l/Bloomfield+NJ+07003
where it ended up: window titled: Address not valid - Windows Internet Explorer
and the url: res://ieframe.dll/syntax.htm#
I hope someone can shed some light on these experiences.
All Replies (1)
It might be the Windows, not Firefox was trying to send those reports. Firefox should not be calling Microsoft.
I've called the big guys to help you. Good luck.