please help. These are the error messages. nss3.dll not good. Error status oxc000012f. I re-insatall no help
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The browser is new, shockwave new & new windows 10 By the way I've never had anything like this
All Replies (1)
nss3.dll = Network Security Services
What are you using as your protection programs?
Let's start with this;
Perform a System File Check to fix corrupted system files
Win 7, 8, 10, Vista: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/929833 Win XP: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/windows-xp-scan-and-fix-disk-errors/6fe2827a-4be6-4bc1-8083-5139b5aa3a3d
Wiki - Windows 10 System File Check http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wiki/windows_10-update/system-file-check-sfc-scan-and-repair-system-files/bc609315-da1f-4775-812c-695b60477a93