Folder layout for new folders
Dear Sirs,
I have a common layout for folders. If I create a new folder, Thunderbird 115.10.1 (and previous versions) always uses a different layout. Sometimes I forget to change the layout and when opening the newly created folder I am confused. I find it also annoying to always apply my folder layout to the newly created folders.
Is there any method/setting to define/set the layout for new folders?
Kind regards,
Alle Antworten (5)
This may help. You can set configurations in the config editor - click settings>general and scroll down to bottom to config editor - Here are possible settings and the three config entries to adjust:
sort_type: byNone 17 byPriority 23 byLocation 29 byDate 18 * byStatus 24 byTags 30 bySubject 19 * bySize 25 byJunkStatus 31 byAuthor 20 * byFlagged 26 byAttachments 32 byId 21 ** byUnread 27 byAccount 33 byThread 22 byRecipient 28 byCustom 34 * = commonly desired values ** = by Order Received (?) sort_order: ascending 1 descending 2 HERE ARE THE THREE SETTINGS: Set all three. mailnews.default_sort_type 18 (date) mailnews.default_sort_order 1-ascending, 2=descending mailnews.default_view_flags 0=unthreaded, 1=threaded
This setting applies to all NEW folders, not existing ones.
Dear David,
Thank you for your answer. I was not quite clear in my description above. What I want to keep are the columns which I have in the folders and the order of the columns.
Kind regards,
I am not aware of any way to make columns a default for all columns, but you can assign a folder's setting to other folders. This page gives details: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/message-list-columns
Dear David,
Thank you again for your fast answer. The page link above is exactly what I am doing, but what I want to avoid is to apply the column layout to other folders: I like to have a folder configuration setting/template which can be used to create new folders.
Thanks again,
I think this bug need to be dusted off. https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=505035