XHTML site doesn't load CSS and JS from same subdomain.
If I make an XHTML website with linked external CSS and javascript code, the firefox doesn't load the external CSS and JS file. For example, if the URL is http://sub.domain.tld/... and the CSS and JS is used for this URL too, firefox not open them.
If I change another subdomain for the CSS and JS files like http://static.sub.domain.tld/ or http://static.domain.tld/ the Firefox open this file correctly, and handle them.
Alle svar (4)
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I found something, but it is a little weird. The error caused by Ad Block Plus extension, but...
The subdomain name looks like: http://ad.somedomain.tld/. Maybe somewhere the http://ad.* is blocked by ABP.
The interesting thing is: For CSS and JS I used same server, same service (just add subdomain as a new virtual host). In this case the link is: http://css.ad.somedomain.tld/ for CSS, and for JS I'm using http://js.ad.somedomain.tld.
I'm not understanding why it works on http://css.ad.* and http://js.ad.* and why is not working if I use the http://ad.* because the main site (http://ad..../admin.html) is downloaded and the xhtml code appearing in the browser well.
Update: I found the filter. It's on the group "EasyList (USA)" The filter is: |http://ad.$~object_subrequest,domain=~europa.eu|~gogopin.com|~sjsu.edu|~uitm.edu.my|~uni-freiburg.de But it hasn't explained why not blocked the *.html and *.php too for the sites wich use domain http://ad.*/*.html
if the js-files are on differents subdomains but on the same domain like: http://JSsubdomain.domain.com http://HTMLsubdomain.domain.com
just add in to your js-files: document.domain = "domain.com";
Thank you for everybody. I have found the solution.
I disabled a filter in AdBlockPlus, which blocked the site starting with http://ad.*