how do I remove the Twitter and previous session buttons from Firefox 8 home page?
I just up(?)dated to firefox 8 from 3.6.24. the new homepage has two buttons on it that I don't need (or want). I want to remove them-- they are:
the twitter button. I don't twit (or tweet, or facebook, or any other social media). AT ALL the previous session button. I don't mind drilling down to where I want to go. I do mind someone or something trying to decide what I want. Matter of fact, any help with removing any remotely initiated activity would be appreciated. Thanks
Všechny odpovědi (1)
You can hide the box that shows the snippets and the "Restore Previous Session" box with code in userContent.css
You can use the ChromEdit Plus or Stylish extension to have easier access to the customization files.
- ChromEdit Plus: http://webdesigns.ms11.net/chromeditp.html
@-moz-document url(about:home){ /* hide snippet container on the about:home page */ #snippetContainer { display: none !important; } /* hide sessionRestore container on the about:home page */ #sessionRestoreContainer { display: none !important; } }